Eating eggs and its effect on health

 1.Your brain is under choline’s protection

-  It has been clinically proven that this particular vitamin is the most important building material of the brain.If you eat 2 eggs a day, your body receives enough of this nutrient.

 2.Sight is preserved thanks to lutein

This substance is responsible for clear and sharp eyesight.

 3. Vitamin D helps to absorb calcium

- increase the amount of vitamin D content in eggs by feeding chickens special supplements. Vitamin D helps calcium better absorb and strengthen your bones and teeth.

 4.Vitamin B complex protects the skin, hair, and liver

Phospholipids contained in chicken eggs promote the elimination of toxins from the liver.

5. The risk of cardiovascular diseases is reduced

It also inhibits the body’s own cholesterol production. In addition, eggs contain omega-3 acids which reduce triglyceride levels

 6. You start losing weight

Such a breakfast sates you for a long time, allowing you to decrease the amount of food consumed in a day

 7.Decreases the risk of cancer

Choline is known to reduce the risk of cancer. 

the risk of developing breast cancer decreased by 18 percent.

 8.Eggs are rich in B vitamins

. Vitamin B9 has another name: folic acid. With its help, red blood cells and the neural tube of the fetus is formed, and the risk of a child’s mental retardation is reduced.

9.The aging process slows down

In 87% of women from 35 to 40 years old, age spots disappeared and skin lifted. In men, the wrinkles around the eyes noticeably smoothed.