Natural sources that increase testosterone levels in men.

 Grapes for more active sperm

- which makes for hardier sperm.
- equivalent of 500mg – roughly the amount in 5-10g of grape skins – was enough to raise T-levels.

 Tuna for a higher 3eks drive

- its vitamin D content
- The vitamin bolsters testosterone by up to 90%, Testosterone Hormone-Binding Globulin (SHBG).

 Pomegranate to fight impotence

-  it is the Biblical forbidden fruit
-  47% of impotent men found their condition improved after a daily glass of antioxidant-rich pomegranate juice.

 Venison for muscle growth

- A meat-free diet can lower testosterone by 14%
-  diet overly rich in the sat fats in beef and lamb can also make it dip. 

 Garlic for muscle maintenance

- garlic contains allicin, a compound that lowers levels of ‘stress hormone’ cortisol.

 Honey for better blood flow

- Honey is rich in nitric oxide.
- opening up blood vessels that create erections
- Four teaspoons of honey can boost nitric oxide levels by 50%.”

 Milk for a lean physique

- that fat blokes have more oestrogen.

 Eggs for a hormone boost

- The yolk’s cholesterol is the precursor for testosterone
- three eggs a day without affecting cholesterol levels.

Cabbage to flush out female hormones

- cabbage is full of a chemical called indole-3-carbinol, which rids your blood of girly hormones.
-  Healthy men took 500mg daily for a week